Thursday 24 May 2012

My very first product review

So seeing as the summer is not that far away, tan becomes one of the major problems! There is always a solution to it! Even though, I'm a beach person, believe me or not I just do not get tanned really easily, SO I have to find different ways of how to look nice a tanned. I have been trying out this 'Dove-summer glow' product for about 3 weeks now, and I think it's a miracle, and I mean it :-)I've started getting comments from people and questions to why I look quite tanned, and I always give them a really simple answer, it's my skin moisturiser. That's what this product is, it's a skin 'moisturiser with a subtle self-tanner to gradually build a beautiful tan' - as they say on the front of the product. It is very easy to use, no patches or other disadvantages that you get from tanning lotions. I use this product every time I have a longer shower, and by that I mean when I wash my hair, which is every two days. So it is entirely up to you how often you want to use it, there is no such thing as limit. It also moistures your skin really well and gives a little bit of shine to it.It is for fair to normal skin, but my skin is really dry and it still does the job!So I think I will give a 5 for this product as it's worth it's price too. I would imagine you can get it at any drug store. I'm not entirely sure about the price but it's about £5. So give it a shot, and let me know how you get along with it! Xo

Hello everyone :- )

So today, 24th of May I have decided to create my blog! As I've nearly finished school, I will have a load more time to do things and share some of my experiences with you guys! I'm so excited about this. I've actually got inspired by few people from youtube to actually create this blog. I especially love fleurdeforce's blog. I think she has some really great tips for make up and things to do with beauty! 
Summer is on it's way!
In order to keep my blog interested and updated, I will try to write a post at least once a week and depending on how busy I am enjoying my summer ( :-) ) I will try and post up to 4! As the summer is coming I am trying out a lot of new make up, beauty products etc, so I shall share my experiences and what I went through trying them out. I hope you will enjoy and will be able to find something that will suit you as well. Speak soon! XoXo